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medical engineering

antigen detection on LFA by using glycan

The new diagnostic tool uses glycans (sugars) to detect the virus, using a tool very similar to a home pregnancy test.

"The rapid detection of the virus, for both healthcare and to enable society to return to normal is crucial. Our technology, developed through joint Ph.D. student work with our industry partners, makes use of glyco-nanomaterials to detect a specific portion of the coronavirus. The technology is straightforward, and extremely low-cost as the kit is paper-based. The University retained lab-capacity for essential COVID research such as this ensuring we could fulfill the University's mission to create new knowledge and innovative solutions."


Alexander N. Baker et al. The SARS-COV-2 Spike Protein Binds Sialic Acids and Enables Rapid Detection in a Lateral Flow Point of Care Diagnostic Device, ACS Central Science (2020). DOI: 10.1021/acscentsci.0c00855