medical engineering (36) 썸네일형 리스트형 인공 시냅스 In 2017, Stanford University researchers presented a new device that mimics the brain's efficient and low-energy neural learning process. It was an artificial version of a synapse—the gap across which neurotransmitters travel to communicate between neurons—made from organic materials. Now, in a paper published June 15 in Nature.. non-invasive glucose monitoring 일단 이 논문에서 originality는 혈관 모양을 본따서 magnetic antenna를 만들었다는 점이다. 혈관 모양을 본따서 만든 것의 이점은 sensor 감도가 더 올라갔다. 논문에서도 "Matching the antenna to the human body is of utmost importance to our application."라고 하였다. Band-reject filter는 Sender, Slot antenna는 receiver의 역할을 하는 것 같다. 자기장을 감지하는 것인데, antenna의 curvature에도 영향을 받는 듯하다. 그래서 curvature에 따른 변화도를 보여주는 그래프를 넣었다. 실제로 사람에게 적용해서 한 실험이다. 사람의 움직임이나, 습도, surface t.. magnetic powered neural simulator Rice University neuroengineers have created a tiny surgical implant that can electrically stimulate the brain and nervous system without using a battery or wired power supply. The neural stimulator draws its power from magnetic energy and is about the size of a grain of rice. It is the first magnetically powered neur.. non-invasive reconstruction of ear inside the body using 3D printing In recent years, it has come to be used in medical applications to repair defective tissue. In such applications, ultra violoet light is used to 3-D print tissue-like material through polymerization, in which materials become denser and stick together when exposed to the light. In such efforts, surgery is required to expose the tissue t.. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 다음