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운동과 요절의 관계

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confer: bestow

avert: turn away



"Research into lifestyle factors such as lack of physical activity, poor diet, drinking alcohol, and smoking, tends to focus on the harms these do to health,"


운동하면 좋다는 것을 통계적으로 확인했다. 뭐 얼마나 정확하고 많이 했는지는 모르지만, impact factor가 겁나 높은 Lancet에 publish 되었다.



Tessa Strain et al. Use of the prevented fraction for the population to determine deaths averted by existing prevalence of physical activity: a descriptive study, The Lancet Global Health (2020). DOI: 10.1016/S2214-109X(20)30211-4