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skyrmion 요새 논문을 보면 magnetic 관련 연구에서 skyrmion이라는 단어를 볼 수 있다. skyrmion이란 뭘까? A skyrmion can be described as a swirling quasi-particle, a knot of twisting field lines, or a subatomic hurricane. They're also one of the most difficult physics concepts for humans to understand Skyrmions are named for British nuclear physicist Tony Skyrme, who first proposed their existence in 1961. His idea was to model subato..
mechanism of the nanoparticle gelation transition have demonstrated that the phase transition through which colloidal nanoparticles aggregate into a solid-like system-spanning material (a colloidal gel) is described by universal laws that are independent of the peculiar physico-chemical characteristics of a given system. In particular, by means of a close synergy between theory, numerical simulations and experimental investigations, the researc..
saliva based COVID-19 detection The test, described in a preprint manuscript posted Friday on the online archive MedRxiv.org, is designed for widespread screening to help identify asymptomatic individuals. Research shows people infected with the virus but with no obvious symptoms make up as many as 70% of cases and can still spread disease. In this new test, a user spits in a tube, adds a solution to stabilize it then closes t..
fluid control in nano-channel The movement of fluids through small capillaries and channels is crucial for processes ranging from blood flow through the brain to power generation and electronic cooling systems, but that movement often stops when the channel is smaller than 10 nanometers. engineer have reported a new understanding of the process and why some fluids stagnate in these tiny channels, as well as a new way to stim..
thread based wearable sensor The device, described today in the journal NPJ Flexible Electronics, consists of special sensing threads, electronic components and wireless connectivity for real time data acquisition, storage and processing. The patch device created by the Tufts engineers performs real-time measurements of important biomarkers present in sweat including sodium and ammonium ions (electrolytes), lactate (a metab..
hydrogels mimicking dynamic memory of brain Hokkaido University researchers have found a soft and wet material that can memorize, retrieve, and forget information, much like the human brain. The human brain learns things, but tends to forget them when the information is no longer important. Recreating this dynamic memory process in manmade materials has been a challenge. Hokkaido University researchers now report a hydrogel that mimics th..
Neuron mechanical stimulation through Nano-magnetic particle In addition to responding to electrical and chemical stimuli, many of the body's neural cells can also respond to mechanical effects, such as pressure or vibration. But these responses have been more difficult for researchers to study, because there has been no easily controllable method for inducing such mechanical stimulation of the cells. Now, researchers at MIT and elsewhere have found a new..
알콜중독이 강력한 이유 The researchers have here observed that alcohol may increase its addictive capacity by changing the geometry of the brain, specifically the gray matter, as shown by this translational study carried out in rats and humans, published today in the journal Science Advances According to their observations, the cells of the immune system that reside in the brain, called microglia, are responsible for ..