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bacteria와 virus의 interaction in gut "We're appreciating more and more that the most abundant microbial entities in the human gut are actually viruses," His team has been exploring the puzzling way bacteria and their viruses appear to coexist inside the human gut. The secret may lie in a hairy-looking sugar coating bacteria used to defend not only against attacks from the human immune system, but also from various viruses seeking a..
mechanically controllable CNT ionic transport Many biological devices exhibit activated responses under various stimuli, and one such behavior is the mechano-transduction channels involved for instance in touch sensing or ear hair cells. In the present paper, we show that tiny (single digit) carbon nanotubes, with a radius of 2nm, do exhibit a mechano-sensitive response, which is furthermore very similar to that of their biological counterp..
economics of cellular signalling Cellular signal transmission is not only optimized for precision—it also includes a cost cap. The relationship between information and energy, a concept well established in physics and engineering, is likely to fundamentally shape cellular signaling networks. What enables reliable transmission of signals in the "noisy" cellular environment? The research team is studying signal transmission in ba..
숨쉬는 것만으로 폐렴 진단하기 Using specialized nanoparticles, MIT engineers have developed a way to monitor pneumonia or other lung diseases by analyzing the breath exhaled by the patient. In a study of mice, the researchers showed that they could use this system to monitor bacterial pneumonia, as well as a genetic disorder of the lungs called alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency. "We envision that this technology would allow you..
환자의 혈장으로 20분 내에 코로나 바이러스 진단하기 Positive COVID-19 cases caused an agglutination or a clustering of red blood cells, which was easily identifiable to the naked eye. Researchers were able to retrieve positive or negative readings in about 20 minutes. While the current swab / PCR tests are used to identify people who are currently positive with COVID-19, the agglutination assay can determine whether someone had been recently infe..
집가서 읽을것 https://phys.org/news/2020-07-reveals-graphene-sheet-mirror-molecules.html https://phys.org/news/2020-07-graphene-adsorbate-van-der-waals-bonding.html https://phys.org/news/2020-07-paths-aging-insights-healthspan.html https://phys.org/news/2020-07-scientists-dna-droplets-comprising-nanostructures.html https://phys.org/news/2020-07-scientists-uncover-key-ribosomes-proteins.html https://medicalxpr..
oil filtration membrane the paper is believed to be the first report of a synthetic membrane specifically designed for the separation of crude oil and crude-oil fractions. Membrane technology is already widely used in such applications as seawater desalination, but the complexity of petroleum refining has until now limited the use of membranes. To overcome that challenge, the research team developed a novel spirocyclic..
영양분이 없을 때 세포의 recycle이 어떻게 반응하는가? Like a city, these structures require a great deal of resources to build and operate, and when resources are scarce, internal components must be recycled to provide essential building blocks, particularly amino acids, to sustain vital functions. But how do cells decide what to recycle when they are starving? One prevailing hypothesis suggests that starving cells prefer to recycle ribosomes—cellu..